

来源:www.taocaipu.com   时间:2023-03-21 01:14   点击:227  编辑:admin   手机版


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红菜汤是俄罗斯菜的代表作,但是鲜为人知的是最有名的红菜汤是来自乌克兰。按照菜谱,所有原材料备齐。有:土豆,牛肉,胡萝卜,洋白菜,洋葱,红菜,香叶,色拉油,大蒜,茴香,酸奶油等。把牛肉放入汤锅中,烧开,撇去浮沫,慢炖1.5-2小时。牛肉炖好后,捞出,切成块。切好的牛肉放回汤锅中,用原来的牛肉汤继续炖。将洋葱去皮切碎。在下一步是将圆白菜切碎。胡萝卜切碎。然后把红菜去皮后切成细短棍状。单独煎炒洋葱,把洋葱炒到略略发黄出香。往锅内加入切好的胡萝卜,继续煎炒,直至胡萝卜也开始变黄。土豆洗净去皮,切成滚刀块。将土豆块放入汤锅中,连牛肉一起炖至土豆半熟。然后将切好的白菜放入汤锅中,炖5分钟,不宜过长,不然的话白菜会被炖烂。再将红菜倒入汤锅中,等汤开了以后,小火炖10分钟。往里面再倒入刚刚炒好的胡萝卜和洋葱,放上几片香叶。用压蒜器压入蒜蓉。盖上盖子小火接着炖10分钟,然后关火,盖着盖子焖10分钟。出锅后,往每碗汤中加少许的洋茴香(或者香菜,或者小葱,根据您的口味),然后正宗的俄式吃法,还需要拌入一勺酸奶油。Is the representative of the Russian red soup dish, but little is known about the most famous


The food in my family The food in my family is quite common. In the morning we normally have rice congee and some preserved vegetable for breakfast. I always have lunch at school and my parents at there working places. The dinner is the biggest meal of the day. My mom will come home early with lots of cooking materials and make a delicious supper of around 3 dishes. It nomally contain a pork or beaf dish and 2 vegetables:stir-fried potato and such. 我们家的食物很普通。早上,我们一家人通常吃稀饭和咸菜。中午,我在学校吃午饭,爸爸妈妈也在各自的工作单位吃饭。晚饭时我们家最为丰盛的一顿。妈妈总是很早回家,很用心的做一大桌好吃的菜。 一般有3个菜,包括一样大荤(猪肉或牛肉)和2到素材(炒土豆丝之类的) 我很用心的写了好久啊,完全原创...把分给我吧...


buy two or three medium potatos, wash them properly and skin them and cut them into thin strips. raise them with water again to get rid off the starch and drain them and put aside.

chop some green onions and gingers.

turn on the oven and put a fring pan on.

put 2 tea spoon oil in fring pan and heat it

put in green onions and gingers  stir a little bit

put potato strips in and stir them evenly about three minutes

spinkle one or one and half tea spoon salt  and stir them evenly

turn off the oven.

put into a plate. done!



First of all, I take out a few potatoes, put the potatoes in the basin, I take a potato smelled the carefully, ah! Really smelly, a mud flavor. I'll turn on the tap, water into the basin, I saw the water, immediately became yellow water, I struggled to put potato skins, rub, rub. Then, use skinning knife peeling potatoes, potatoes and turned into milky white. Finally, again the potatoes on the cutting board, first slices, then cut into silk, took out a large bowl of cut the potatoes in a large bowl, fresh water, after a period of time, remove the potatoes.

祝你学习进步!希望采纳 谢谢!
